Posting jobs for your virtual career fair
In this article
- Overview
- Reasons to post jobs for virtual career fair
- Preparation
- Additional considerations
- Conclusion
This article outlines the key reasons and benefits of posting jobs for virtual career event hosted on eCareerFairs. The intended audience consists of:
- Event hosts
- Recruiters
- Organizations considering hosting virtual career events
- Organizations preparing for virtual career events
Reasons to post jobs for virtual career fair
Successful career fairs engage job seeker attendees before and during the event. The more engagement is generated for your event, the more benefit your organization gains from it.
Increased attendee engagement leads to more time spent on the site during your event, better return on investment, and eventually, more hires. The are a few key factors contributing to better job seeker engagement directly linked to posted jobs:
Early job viewing and browsing means more informed attendees
Posting jobs before event starts allows attendees to research open positions and attend your event with an increased awareness. Better prepared attendees ask fewer questions, which leads to a more streamlined communication during the event.
Job browsing leads to event discoverability
Browse jobs page is on the most often visited pages on eCareerFairs. When your jobs are listed on it, job seekers discover your event and open positions. You may gain audience above and beyond your planned initial outreach.
Better booth promotion before and during the event
When shown in event lobby, each booth with posted jobs is decorated with a jobs icon. This icon appears before and during the event. The icon attracts attention, informs lobby visitors that your booth has posted jobs, and displays a list of titles when user clicks or taps on it. In other words, it leads to more engagement.
When preparing materials for virtual career fair, we recommend to post jobs for one or more key positions for which your organization is hiring. A few postings should be sufficient to achive higher engagement, but if you have multiple openings in different areas, post as many as you can.
This article outlines all recommended event preparation steps in detail.
Additional considerations
The following is a set of additional considerations to keep in mind:
Post as soon as your landing page is ready
We recommend to start posting jobs for your event as soon as your landing page is ready and before registration begins.
Use job postings in mulitple booths
The same job posting can be attached to more than one booth within the same event or across different events. Ability to use the same job posting in different booths of the same event provides flexibility of setups for example when a corporiate hiring event has recruiters and hiring managers in different booths screening candidtes for the same positions.
Reuse job postings for future events
If you have multiple events, reuse the same positions for new events to save time. To reuse job postings edit each job you would like to reuse and specify booth associated with the new event for which you are reusing a job posting.
Job postings expire after your event ends
It is important to remember that all jobs expire on the date when event ends unless they are attached to future events. However to reactivate expired job postings, simply edit each and associate it to a booth for upcoming event.
Job postings are an effective engagement tool, it increases event and booth discoverability both before and during virtual career fairs. Flexible configuration options allow for advanced setups and yield time savings when job postings are reused. Our recommended practice is to post at least one job posting per booth.